Monday, October 18, 2010

An affirnation from the MAN upstairs!

God speaks in some very mysterious ways! This morning I got up with so much joy and happiness spilling from my soul! I checked my email and there was an email from our angel in Hangzhou who told me she would be seeing our son very soon! As I continued to get the girls ready for school, I continued to pray and praise GOD for all of the many blessings he had rained upon us! I began to cry out to HIM once again to move mountains on our behalf with the CCAA. I felt like Hannah crying out to GOD! I ended my prayer with the assurance that GOD knows when HIS time is right and I must surrendar this wait and allow HIM to move his miraculous hands and perform only miracles that HE can.
     Well, this morning I dropped both girls off at school and went to pick up my mom for some much needed girl time! My mom wanted to go do some Christmas shopping so off to Wally World we went. Has GOD ever spoken to you in Wal*Mart?? It was at the jewelry counter in Wal*MArt that HE spoke to me! He did not say that that beautiful diamond would look great on my finger, or that those earrings were me, or that I needed that new watch! HIS words were spoken loud and clear,  so clear that I knew it was from my mountain moving, miracle working GOD! We did our shopping, and as we got ready to leave,  something on the jewelry counter caught my eye. There on display were these beautiful spin rings. Stainless steel, Very pretty, Not expensive, but the message on one particular ring just took my breath away! The ring had three words engraved in it. FAITH, TRUST, & BELIEVE! 3 simple words....coincidence??? I thnk NOT! I bought that ring! As I wear it it will be areminder to me...that GOD is working on getting my son home to his forever family! And all we need to do is continue to have FAITH,TRUST HIM, and BELIEVE! And we do!

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