For those of you who have adopted, you know how much paperwork is involved in a dossier! I want so much to be DTC! Today I ran to Indy to the Capital to have our documents state certified! We were in & out within 10 minutes! They do a great job in that office! Then, it was off to do a little shopping for our little guy. I am trying to keep from looking at clothes due to the fact that we have NO clue who our little guy is or how big he will be. However, I have bought a few things over the last month. I found a super nice GRACO bag at Big Lots for $10.00!! It is a double bag; the inside bag comes out if needed, it has a bottle bag, a changing mat( so handy in airports and on planes), and also a carrier for wipes! It is Brown and turquoise! LOVE it! Anyone who knows me well knows that I DETEST stains on my kids clothes! SOOOOO, having said that, I bought BIBS!! I also found a sweet little vinyl book that you can put pictures in. I will put our pics in it and he can look at it while we are in China to familarize himself with faces. Maybe that way when we get off the plane, the family isn't so apt to scare him to death!! hehe Today I found a sippy cup with his name on it, and I bought a travel pack of Johnson products to take along. I have been buying things I know we will need so that it all does not hit at once. I think it makes me feel closer to him, it feels real. We have our home study in a week! I have so much to do.......sigh........
Where did you find the cup with the name Elijah on it?
Blessings -
I found the cup at Babies R Us. They also have them at any Hallmark store!
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