Thursday, November 3, 2011

Eli's First Halloween!

The cutest pumpkin of the 2011 season!
Olivia & Ellye
He was so good while I was painting his face!
I am not a lover of Halloween celebrations. I LOVE celebrating Fall, and I have taught my children that Halloween for our family is just a fun time to dress up, trick or treat, go to the pumpkin patch, or enjoy hayrides! I have explained to them that some people celebrate Halloween as the devil's holiday, but as Christians we do not! We celebrate Fall for its beauty and bountiful harvest of crops!
 The kids of course are all about trick or treating and can't wait to find the "perfect" costume!
Have you seen the price of children's costumes??? OMW!!! I could not believe the price of costumes, even at Wally World! I refuse to pay over $10.00 for something that will more than likely be worn one night, and will probably be ripped and or stained by candy by the time the night is over! I have always been very frugal when it comes to costumes. This year really was no exception. So off to the thrift shops I went a lookin! I already had Eli's costume so it was just Liv & El that needed new ones. I lucked out this year and spent less than $10.00 on everything! We were given so many compliments on the kid's costumes! I LOVE a bargain!!! 
Eli absolutely loved having his face painted. He was not real sure about trick or treating until he realized that there was candy in his bucket!! That did it for him! He had a ball! He looked so cute, and the only time he cried was when someone approached him wearing a scary costume. The weather was perfect for trick or treating and the kids walked for around an hour and then they were ready to call it a night! I can't believe October is gone and Thanksgiving is fast approaching! Where has this year gone to????

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